AcuReiki Healing Arts
Relax, Rebalance, Reset to Wellness
Acupressure Self-Help Instruction



Currently, I offer instruction in self-help acupressure as part of online non-local Reiki sessions, especially if you are working with specific health issues that might be eased by doing self-help acupressure.  At the beginning of the Zoom session, I'll demonstrate the acupressure points and you can hold one or two of them during part of your session, being guided through meditation into prepare you to relax into the Reiki.  As part of my sharing Reiki, I also mentally connect to the points during the session.

Acupressure is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") and works with the flow of chi through the meridians in the body, interfacing between the subtle and the physical, affecting the organ systems and tissues of the body as well as the emotional states associated with them. (It is the same system as acupuncture, but without the needles.) Gentle to firm finger pressure is applied to specific points and in particular sequences or flows to rebalance and harmonize the meridians (the pathways for chi) and their associated organ systems. 

Acupressure can be very helpful in releasing areas of blocked energy ("chi") in the meridians.  This reduces inflammation and swelling, and supports the optimal functioning of the organ systems and biochemical processes, including the immune system, and the body's repair of damaged tissue.

Benefits of Acupressure

Relief from:

  • Migraine headaches, tension and sinus headaches
  • Digestive disturbances
  • PMS, irregular menses, hormonal imbalance
  • Anxiety, stress, nervousness, dizziness
  • Muscular tension and spasms
  • Lessen, shorten or prevent colds, flu
  • Joint pain, inflammation, pain management
  • Congestion, coughing
  • Skin problems
  • Insomnia, fatigue  

How Acupressure Works
There are 12 meridians associated with the organs of the body, which can be worked with to balance specific organ systems, and the body overall.  (There are also the “Extraordinary Vessels,”  deeper flows which are activated by the body when needed. Working with these flows in an in-person, hands-on session creates global changes at all levels.)

I have been certified in both the 12 organ meridian system techniques and the Five Elements theory, and use each in session, depending on what is presenting at the time.  Five Elements not only addresses imbalances in the organ meridians but influences the emotions associated with those meridians.  

(A note about herbs:  Although I have been trained in the use of Chinese, Western and Ayurvedic herbs, my training is not nearly as extensive as an acupuncturist or Ayurvedic Physician.  If I feel that herbs would be useful, I will refer you to a qualified practitioner.  Please see the Resources/Favorite Links page.)

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If you have any questions about acupressure or Reiki, please contact me at or (530) 219-0136.  


Golden Yin Yang symbol image courtesy 
Other photo this page:  Colin Clark Photography; copyright Jan Fiore 2014.








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